Auteur: Johanna / 5 Juli 2007

Iron on my heart


My heart used to hold on to you
cause it had your name on it
impossible to scrape away
I was afraid of the pain it would cause
and without your inscription
it seemed so blank to me

But now
my hands are handling the blade
doubt and anger make them tremble
but somehow
a sense of victory is what confidently moves them

Your name is slowly fading away
and maybe
there's even room for someone else
but not before
my feelings no longer disturb the flow

I'm letting go my anger
I'm letting go my pain
I'm no longer holding on
peace and healing are floating in

And now my heart is blank
as I know it should be

But still not easy accessible
I've gained from all this struggle
there's only one key that matches this heavenly lock

So I wait
for the voice within
for someone to break the chains
until then
this iron on my heart feels save to me

Engelse gedicht door: Johanna

Dit gedicht is 4.253 keer bekeken.


Totale waardering: 8 (10 stemmen)

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Reacties op gedicht 'Iron on my heart'

MeldenDeze reactie is niet passelijk Op 12-08-2013 schreef Boomvader Ruerd:
O the heart so treasured and often so captured...

MeldenDeze reactie is niet passelijk Op 12-01-2013 schreef Tine[net ff anders]:
Nice gedicht maar erg lang geleden dat je hier bent toegetreden dus take the pen and wright again.we see en you maby soon.

MeldenDeze reactie is niet passelijk Op 11-10-2012 schreef erma:
oh, tears are running through my eyes, this is so recognizable. but you ,know times heal the heartache. for sure.

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