Auteur: writer / 2 April 2012

Across the sea


Across the sea,
where are you.
I wish I could join you,
but now you were with me.
t `waiting takes so long ..
I miss you singing,
k `count the days until you come,
and the noise around me speechless.
Days, weeks, months,
I will wait for you.
I love you,
Despite all around
Together we will get through it.
You're in my heart forever,
You touch me not to lose it.
Always we come together,
Nobody can remove us,
Otherwise they must pay a high price.
I'm waiting for you my darling
I wait patiently and faithfully ..

Engelse gedicht door: writer

Dit gedicht is 2.124 keer bekeken.


Totale waardering: 7 (1 stemmen)

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