Your own Life


I?m running, running away
Away from reality
The world is spinning
Spinning from night to day

Days are bright and full with light
Nights are dark, filled with the unknown
People are afraid of the dark
They want the world clear and bright
(Are you afraid of the dark?)

Live the night
Fill it with joy
No worries, no pain
Only we
Isolated from the world
Designated on each other

Most people floting on the mass
They don?t care about their thoughts
Save and easy, frightened of making mistakes
Not aware of the world they pass

I?m running, running away
Away from reality
The world is spinning
Spinning from night to day
Destiny unknown

Engelse gedicht door: De onbekende dichter

Dit gedicht is 2.296 keer bekeken.


Totale waardering: 7 (2 stemmen)

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Reacties op gedicht 'Your own Life'

MeldenDeze reactie is niet passelijk Op 06-09-2014 schreef Bella:
Heel erg mooi gedicht
zo voelt het soms ook voor mij

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