Blue Sky


walking behind you
trying to catch up
floating in the distance
never want to stop
this feeling lasts'forever
my pain will never go
thinking of the futere
some beter place you know

footprints in a dessert
didn't find the way
hope turned in illusion
nothing left to stay
looking at the stars above
they're shining very bright
fading while they shining
don't want to fear the night

come a little bit closer
hear what i have to say
we must go on together
and dream this night away
there's a full moon risin'
come and dance into the light
you know the music's playing
let's go out and feel the night

the night is passing by
falling into day
looks like it was eternal
someone heared my pray
a brand new day is borning
the sun is rising high
this dream is sadly over
there's only a blue sky

Engelse gedicht door: De onbekende dichter

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Totale waardering: 8 (5 stemmen)

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