Diary of a mad man


Eventually we will all be lost
and forgotten.
Those who spoke,
laughed and cried.
Nothing will be left,
of our neverending fight.
With ourselves and eachother,

Of all the affords we made,
we all have our experation date,
our destination.
Our meeting with faith.
This goes above
and beyond our thoughts.

The world is not something,
we just can grasp.
Trying to understand is a foolish restraint.
To love and to be loved,
so delicate, so in vain.

It won't come off
this horrible stain.
The pain, my thoughts
won?t leave my brain.
Why won?t they leave me alone.
For in a few minutes
i will be long gone.

Doubts go away,
no wait maybe stay.
God what have i done?
Is it now the right time to pray for a new day?

Engelse gedicht door: De onbekende dichter

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Totale waardering: 7 (2 stemmen)

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