Twothousand years


twothousand years
counting all the tears
the number that appears
slumber in my ears

twothousand facts
each day to suspect
tomorrow bring the fact
the fact we want to believe
we recieve
we might achieve
but what we forget
that what we get
only in our mind
only in our head

twothousand thoughts
in the mind all been cought
in the past they all have found
with feelings who can't be bought

twothousand lies
people shame to crie
don't ask me why
the reasson will allways be denied

imagine nobody agrees
there's a road to walk
the way you choose the way you please
these thoughts are real as everybody sees
why all these wars
if we all want peace

Engelse gedicht door: De onbekende dichter

Dit gedicht is 3.292 keer bekeken.


Totale waardering: 8 (5 stemmen)

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Reacties op gedicht 'Twothousand years'

MeldenDeze reactie is niet passelijk Op 11-10-2012 schreef erma:
i love this poem. please go on writing them.

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