

I see that everything is still there
but it don’t belong there anymore
and I see how sad it makes people
and I see how sad it makes my family
but I can’t go back
I’m really sick of apologizing for it
no matter how long the journey
or how deep the descent
in the end
all it takes is the one last step

One step
between me and madness
between pain
fear and nothing
one single small step
what I do remember
is the sense that the line
between reality is thin

Thin as like ice
on the lake after it thaw
we fill our life’s with emotions
noise and light
to hide that thinness from ourselves
I hate myself
for what I have done to you
for what I have done to everyone

I hate this illness
Sometimes I still feel
like I can’t take it anymore
but I am grateful to be alive
I’ll never be the same
but I hope
I always be the one
I try to remember who I was
I was prepared to fight
I wasn’t prepared to lose

Engelse gedicht door: Blue rose @}--- Vicky

Dit gedicht is 2.179 keer bekeken.


Totale waardering: 8 (2 stemmen)

Bekijk ook eens
gedichten over journey
gedichten over lose
gedichten over autism
gedichten over emotions
gedichten over alive

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Reacties op gedicht ' step'

MeldenDeze reactie is niet passelijk Op 26-07-2013 schreef WhiteShadow:
Mooi gedicht, wel verdrietig.



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