An old shoebox filled with memories


When i opened the lid
of that old shoebox
I saw in a glance
the memories of the past
Pictures of my family,parents,
brothers and sisters
And the photographs of myself
as a young child
that made the past come alive
And yet,from the heart i knew
that those days
wouldn't really come back
I saw memories
from my mothers smile
And in my mind
I heard the sound of my fathers voice
telling us exciting stories
I felt a strong longing inside
an unprecedented desire
for the love and security of my youth
Suddenly,the lid of the old shoebox
dropped and closed
and with it everything disappeared
also those treasurable memories
of my past

Now the only thing I wish for
is to go back
just for a brief moment in time
to hold my parents ones more
tight in my arms
And to tell them straight from the heart
how much i missed them

Engelse gedicht door: Mario Odekerken

Dit gedicht is 2.039 keer bekeken.


Totale waardering: 7 (1 stemmen)

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Reacties op gedicht 'An old shoebox filled with memories'

MeldenDeze reactie is niet passelijk Op 19-04-2015 schreef Catherine B.:
Mooi schrijven van jou en sprak mij direct aan. Ik heb ook een 'Doos vol herinneringen'. Wens je alvast een fijne lentedag en nog veel mooie woorden toe.

Groetjes van trouwe lezeres en schrijfster


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